Saturday, April 1, 2017

Climate Change

"Just as multiple approaches are needed, contributions of many people in multiple organizations are needed. The work begins with each of us as individuals and the choices we make- what we eat, how we consume energy, how we move ourselves around, what we buy and how we vote" (Robertson, 2014, p. 83)
Photo by Cory Richards. National Geographic

Climate change has been a recurring topic for most of my life, but it hasn't been until most recently that it has been taken up by storm, as temperature's have been reaching record highs. I have always been a firm believer of global warming. My brain could never wrap around the idea that there are people out there who struggle with this concept. In these last few years the collective effects of greenhouse gases has been self-evident as temperatures have been higher than normal. There is stark evidence as our "winter" months consists of very little days defined as "cold". Even up in the north, this has been occurring. I recall hearing on TV one morning that New York has had warmer winters exceeding above four degrees in Fahrenheit since the 70's. The facts and statistics are there, but many seem to be in denial of the evidence, that of which infuriates me to no end. If we get enough people supporting this movement and believing in climate change, then that's when real change will begin to happen. The problem is that we rely too much on our normal routine, be it using our cars and other forms of degrading transportation (airplanes, etc) or simply being oblivious of our overall impact on the atmosphere. The truth of the matter is that these "degrading" things will always exist and will always be used, but the key is trying to minimize the use and finding alternative and more sustainable methods of decreasing greenhouse emissions. I found it to be jaw-dropping how incredibly fragile our atmosphere is and how long it would take to get the Earth's system back to normal, as Robertson (2014) states, "The transition back to stability is likely to take centuries. Scientists, from physicists to biologists to climatologists, tell us that the climate impacts of fossil fuels are expected to last at least hundreds and probably thousands of years" (p. 90)

"Marine ecosystems are vulnerable to changing climate for several reasons. Plankton, the tiny plants animals on which the ocean's food chain chains depend , are sensitive to even small rises in water temperature; changes in the mix of plankton can result in mass die-offs of fish and birds" (Robertson, 2014, p. 81)
Photo by Paul Nicklen. National Geographic

The effects of climate change are staggering. When I read this section of the book explaining the impact of ecosystems throughout the world, the entire picture of our potential future became apparent to me. It's terrifying to think the chain and ripple effect of climate change. Because of the rising temperatures both on land and sea, many species are being forced to migrate to cooler climates. A huge warning appears as important industries, such as forestry and tourism, will begin to suffer— especially with the shifting of natural resources, such as the fish stocks. We all depend on one another. Our survival, in of itself, for rural and urban areas depend on other life. Another thing that was mentioned is rising sea level, that of which further contributes to the migration. One can only imagine the impact on food production this has; as crops have to be moved to higher altitudes. Also, not to mention how the shifting of animals and plants into new areas can usually lead to dramatic changes considering those areas have not evolved well enough to sustain these new incomers. Change, as always, needs to start with our decisions— today. As Robertson (2014) further elaborates, "The work we do now is for a future we will never see. This work, contributing to the stabilization of Earth's climate to maintain livability of the biosphere for us and so many fellow creatures, may be the most consequential work we ever do" (p. 90)

Source: Robertson, M. (2014). Sustainability principles and practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

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